Pop-up campsites to check their flood risk say Environment Agency


Press release

Farmers and landowners setting up temporary campsites for the summer holidays are being urged to have a flood plan in place to keep campers safe.

A large blue tent pitched in a grassy field

Campsites can be particularly vulnerable to flooding

Farmers and landowners setting up temporary campsites for the summer holidays are being urged to have a flood plan in place to keep campers safe.

Flooding can happen very quickly bringing a significant risk to life and campsites can be particularly vulnerable. Taking steps to prepare for flooding, and knowing what to do in a flood, can significantly reduce risk to life. It can also reduce damages to a business.

The Environment Agency is advising all campsite owners to:

Peta Denham, Environment Agency Area Flood Manager for Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk said:

We urge all campsite owners to be aware of their responsibilities and to check their flood risk, owners should consider flood risk as seriously as fire risk.

Flash floods can happen at any time of year. In some parts of the country the most severe flooding has happened during the summer months.

Last August (2020) Storm Ellen and then Storm Francis both hit in the summer holiday season bringing heavy rain.

Owners can find more information on how to prepare for flooding, what to do during and after a flood and how to prepare a site flood plan.

Published 23 July 2021

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