National security: key to protecting Hong Kong’s business environment


     The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr John Lee, today (July 17) made the following statement in response to the latest actions by the United States Government against the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR):

     It is the HKSAR's constitutional responsibility to safeguard national security. It is evident that the Hong Kong National Security Law (NSL) has played a key role over the past year since its promulgation and implementation. Hong Kong's stability has been restored and the national security risk has been placed under control, which are developments conducive to maintaining a favourable environment for investment and conducting business, thus enabling a speedy economic recovery and fostering of Hong Kong's prosperity. The unfounded allegations and the publicity stunt of the United States Government against the business environment of Hong Kong are clear attempts to create trouble out of nothing and intimidate investors.

     The NSL underpins the rights and freedoms of Hong Kong people as well as the high degree of autonomy of the HKSAR. People can continue to legitimately enjoy basic rights and freedoms, and no longer have to be concerned about personal safety, as in the time of social disturbances before the NSL came into force. The NSL clearly stipulates that the HKSAR shall protect the rights and freedoms enjoyed by residents under the Basic Law of the HKSAR of the People's Republic of China and the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as applied to Hong Kong in accordance with the law.

     The United States has once again recklessly adopted such measures as so-called 'sanctions' and a 'business advisory' to smear and maliciously attack China and the HKSAR, using the protection of human rights as an excuse, completely ignoring the fact that the stability of Hong Kong's community and business environment has been restored. The United States is only undermining its own credibility again, and will end up reaping the consequences.

     The bullying acts by the United States once again illustrate that it is absolutely necessary and appropriate for us to take resolute actions to safeguard national security. Without national security, there is no stability and prosperity. National security is key to protecting Hong Kong's business environment. The HKSAR Government will deepen the implementation of the NSL, continue to consolidate the impact of the NSL, and protect the nation and the HKSAR.

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