Jonathan Bartley welcomes early Green gains across the country


7 May 2021

Green Party co-leader Jonathan Bartley has welcomed the early set of results which show Green gains across the country.

As results only start to come through, the Greens have already seen a total of 22 councillors elected, 17 of which are gains from the Conservatives, Labour and the Liberal Democrats.

The party has also been elected to four new councils for the first time: Northumberland, Stockport, Hastings and Derbyshire.

Bartley said:

“There is still a long way to go, but I’m delighted to see Greens winning across the country, including gaining our first seats in Stockport, Northumberland, Hastings and Derbyshire. It’s clear that there are no no-go areas for Greens anymore.

“We are winning seats in areas that have traditionally been thought of as Labour and Conservative. Green politics is on the rise and it is only the Green Party that is offering a clear vision of a better future, with thousands of Green jobs, warmer homes, safer streets, thriving local economies and stronger communities. 

“A huge thanks to the hard work of our candidates, activists and members that have made this happen.”


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