HKSAR Government strongly opposes and deplores harbouring of criminals by countries


     A spokesman for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government made a solemn statement today (April 9), opposing the harbouring of criminals in any form by any country, region, organisation or individual, and expressed strong disapproval. The HKSAR Government emphasises that any society that upholds the rule of law should not accept anyone being above the law or having the privilege to break the law without facing legal consequences.

     Following a series of riots and illegal acts advocating "Hong Kong independence" since June 2019, a number of criminals who, having committed serious offences in Hong Kong such as serious wounding, arson, manufacturing petrol bombs, making explosives, criminal damage, rioting, collusion with a foreign country or with external elements to endanger national security etc, absconded to evade legal responsibilities. These criminals made up numerous excuses, including lying to the court for approval to leave Hong Kong and alleging that they were prosecuted for political reasons to deliberately escape justice. These are shameful and cowardly acts.

     In Hong Kong, any arrest and prosecution is directed against the criminal act and has nothing to do with the political stance, background or thought of the person(s) concerned; arrest and prosecution are based on facts and evidence, and conducted in strict accordance with the law. The Department of Justice controls criminal prosecutions, free from any interference. Hong Kong has an independent judiciary with the power of final adjudication. Everyone shall receive a fair and just trial.

     Any country, region, organisation or individual that harbours Hong Kong criminals in any form shows contempt for the rule of law, grossly disrespects Hong Kong's legal systems and barbarically interferes in the affairs of Hong Kong. The HKSAR Government strongly opposes and deplores such acts. They harbour these criminals who set fires, wounded others, made explosives, engaged in riots and endangered public safety, etc, and shelter these criminals in their country or region. They turn a blind eye to the offences committed by the criminals, and disregard the potential security threats posed to the local community and residents. They shall eventually bear the consequences of what they have done.

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