CS continues to meet with Legislative Council Members on improving Hong Kong’s electoral system (with photos)


     The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, today (April 1) met with the Chairman of the Legislative Council (LegCo) House Committee, Ms Starry Lee, and other LegCo Members at three briefing sessions and continued to explain the improvements to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)'s electoral system. He expressed the hope that LegCo Members would support the work on local legislation.

     Mr Cheung stressed that through improving the electoral system of the HKSAR, the fundamental principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong" can be fully implemented; national sovereignty, security and development interests can be fully protected; and the HKSAR's constitutional order established according to the Constitution and the Basic Law can be fully safeguarded. It will also restore order from chaos and ensure the steadfast and successful implementation of "one country, two systems" and the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.

     He said he hoped that as the electoral system is improved, the executive authorities and the legislature could better interact and co-operate with each other, put aside differences for the common good of the community and develop a cordial, close and constructive working relationship, which will enhance the efficacy of governance.

     Mr Cheung said that the HKSAR Government would spare no efforts in taking forward the task in amending the relevant local electoral laws within a tight time frame, with a view to introducing a bill to the LegCo in mid-April and passing the bill by the end of May. He thanked the LegCo House Committee for setting up a subcommittee that would immediately transform into a bills committee to scrutinise the bill upon introduction of the bill by the HKSAR Government. 

     He said that he wished LegCo Members would support the work on local legislation and pass the bill as early as practicable.

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