EASO and Greece increase joint training activities for asylum officials


Increased deployment of EASO personnel in Greece matched by new training plan aimed at supporting the Greek authorities in sustaining long-term quality and efficiency in the national asylum system. 

The European Asylum Support Office (EASO) has begun implementing a new joint Training Plan together with the Greek Asylum Service (GAS) under the Agency’s 2021 Greece Operating Plan

Since 2011, EASO has trained more than 450 Greek officials as trainers who are now qualified to instruct colleagues in line with EU asylum and fundamental rights standards, while tailoring said training to the national context. In the same period, the Agency’s national training sessions have seen 3,457 Greek participants, while EASO’s operational training, targeting Member State experts deployed in Greece, has recorded 3,735 participations.

Through the new Training Plan, in 2021 EASO is not only increasing the number and specialised areas of training it is delivering to its Greek counterparts, but is importantly also ensuring that the Plan is implemented jointly. Notably, some activities are targeted at both Greek as well as EASO’s own personnel in the country, as both work together within the national system.

Such a collaborative approach is essential in building on the unique experience which Greek asylum officials have gained due to the national experience in the past few years. At the same time, it ensures that this experience is combined with increasingly specialised EU-level training on the legal and procedural requirements of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). 

The 2021 Training Plan includes the following notable elements:

  • a series of National Train-the-Trainer sessions, aimed at supporting GAS in strengthening its national pool of trainers;
  • support in the roll-out of a national training plan based on EASO modules; 
  • on-the-job coaching sessions which are being delivered throughout the year and are aimed at supporting more than 600 GAS and EASO caseworkers in the country; and 
  • thematic training sessions for GAS Quality Focal Points and EASO Team Leaders 

The same process is currently under development with the Greek Reception and Identification Service (RIS). The aim of the joint training plan with RIS is to strengthen the overall capacity of existing and new reception staff in both first-line and second-line reception facilities, as well as central services. 

EASO is grateful for the strong collaboration of the Greek authorities, which have demonstrated a continued commitment to strengthen the national asylum system. The results of this are increasingly evident as the backlog in the country continues to be reduced whilst investment in quality processes continue to be made in parallel.

Any further information may be obtained from the European Asylum Support Office on the following email address: press@easo.europa.eu

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