On behalf of Parliament, President Sassoli offered his deepest condolences to the family and friends of those killed in an attack on a UN convoy in the Democratic Republic of Congo on 22 February.
Changes to the agenda
Pursuant to Rule 163 on urgent procedure, the following files are added for adoption:
- Equivalence of forest reproductive material produced in the UK, and
- Equivalence of field inspections and equivalence of checks on practices for the maintenance of varieties of agricultural plant species carried out in the UK.
These requests will be put to the vote on Monday.
The Commission statement on Tackling the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic by focusing on investment, competitiveness and skills will be debated as the third item in the afternoon, after the report by Ms Guillaume on Activities of the European Ombudsman.
Requests by committees to start negotiations with Council and Commission
Decisions by committees to enter into inter-institutional negotiations (Rule 71) are published on the plenary website.
If no request for a vote in Parliament on the decision to enter into negotiations is made by Tuesday 12.00 midnight, the committees may start negotiations.
Information on the extraordinary remote participation procedure is available here.
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