Forward look: 22 February – 7 March 2021


Overview of the main topics and events at the Council of EU and European Council.

The location and the format (physical or virtual) indicated for each meeting are subject to change.

Foreign Affairs Council, 22 February 2021

EU ministers of foreign affairs will be briefed about current affairs and exchange views on Russia, the Strategic Compass and Hong Kong.

Informal video conference of agriculture and fisheries ministers, 22 February 2021

Ministers will discuss the state of play of the bilateral EU-UK consultations on setting definite fishing opportunities for 2021.

Informal video conference of European affairs ministers, 23 February 2021

European Council, the Conference on the Future of Europe and the EU-UK relations will be on the agenda of the Informal video conference of European affairs ministers.

Video conference of the members of the European Council, 25-26 February 2021

The members of the European Council will meet via video conference to discuss the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, preparedness for health threats, security and defence, and relations with the Southern Neighbourhood.

Informal video conference of internal market and industry ministers, 25 February 2021

Ministers will exchange views on how national recovery and resilience plans can help EU achieve industrial policy goals (as a contribution to the European Semester process), have a policy debate on the New Consumer Agenda and discuss the way forward regarding the proposed public country-by-country reporting directive.

Informal video conference of research ministers, 26 February 2021

Ministers will exchange views on the possible synergies between the European Research Area (ERA) and recovery and resilience plans and will take stock of information on the latest state of play in pending files and of future initiatives in the field of research.

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