Change of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Yemen: Richard Oppenheim


Press release

Mr Richard Oppenheim has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Republic of Yemen in succession to Mr Michael Aron. Mr Oppenheim will take up his appointment in July 2021.

Curriculum vitae

Full name: Richard Oppenheim

Dates Role
2018 to present Riyadh, Deputy Head of Mission
2017 to 2018 Cabinet Office, Deputy Director and Commonwealth Envoy, Commonwealth Summit Unit
2017 FCO, Prosperity Fund Transition Co-ordinator, Economic Diplomacy Directorate
2015 to 2017 Tokyo, Counsellor – Political (Security/External)
2011 to 2015 Tokyo, First Secretary – Climate Change and Energy
2010 Full-time Language Training (Japanese)
2007 to 2009 Baghdad, First Secretary and Head of Political Section
2005 to 2007 Muscat, Second Secretary – Political, Press and Public Affairs; Baghdad Temporary duty (one month) in 2007 as Head of Crisis Management Team; Basra Temporary duty (one month) 2006 as Head of Chancery
2004 to 2005 Full-time Language Training (Arabic)
2003 New York, Committee Support Office, UK Permanent Mission to the UN
2002 to 2003 FCO, Desk Officer, EU Enlargement/Turkey/Cyprus, Europe Directorate (External)


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Published 6 January 2021

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