Labour Advisory Board members appointed


     The Government today (December 24) announced the appointment of 12 members to the Labour Advisory Board (LAB) for a term of two years starting on January 1, 2021.

     The appointed members include five employee representatives elected by registered employee unions, namely:

* Mr Charles Chan Yiu-kwong 
* Mr Tang Ka-piu
* Mr Leung Chau-ting
* Ms Tam Kam-lin
* Mr Lo Tai-chi

     and five employer representatives nominated by major employer associations, namely:

* Mr Ho Sai-chu (representing the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce)
* Dr Kim Mak Kin-wah (representing the Employers' Federation of Hong Kong)
* Mr Irons Sze (representing the Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong)
* Mr Emil Yu Chen-on (representing the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce)
* Mr Jimmy Kwok Chun-wah (representing the Federation of Hong Kong Industries)
     In addition, Ms Shea Wai-man and Dr Bankee Kwan Pak-hoo have been appointed on an ad personam basis as an employee member and an employer member of the LAB respectively.

     With the exception of Ms Tam Kam-lin, Mr Lo Tai-chi and Dr Bankee Kwan Pak-hoo, all appointed members are incumbent members. 

     The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Dr Law Chi-kwong, and the new Commissioner for Labour and Chairman of the LAB, Mr Chris Sun, welcomed the above appointments.

     "The LAB is a high-level and representative tripartite consultative body. Over the years, the LAB assumes an important role in offering valuable and constructive advice on various labour issues to facilitate the Government to take into account and balance the interests of both employees and employers in the formulation of labour policies and legislation. Building on this solid foundation, I hope that members of the new term will continue to build consensus on issues relating to labour through tripartite dialogue," Dr Law said.

     "The LAB provides an effective platform for representatives of employees and those of employers to discuss labour issues (including legislation and Conventions and Recommendations of the International Labour Organization) on an equal footing. I look forward to working closely with all members of the LAB in the new term on issues of concern to employees and employers," Mr Sun said. 

     Mr Sun also paid warm tribute to the three outgoing members, namely employee representatives Mr Chau Siu-chung and Mr Lee Kwok-keung as well as employer representative Mr Cheung Sing-hung, for their significant contributions to the LAB during their term of office.

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