Government to arrange free meal services for elderly living at Shek Wing House of Shek Lei (II) Estate


     Since a number of COVID-19 confirmed cases appeared recently at various units of Shek Wing House, Shek Lei (II) Estate, the Government today (December 21) published a notice to require the residents of Shek Wing House to undergo compulsory testing, and has arranged for a testing agency to set up a mobile specimen collection station at Shek Lei Community Hall from today to December 26 to provide free testing service for the residents.

     For the well being of the residents and public health safety, the Government appeals to the co-operation of all residents living at Shek Wing House to participate in the testing and stay home until the results of the tests are available, so as to prevent the risk of spreading the virus in the community. The Kwai Tsing District Office has also arranged daily delivery of free meals by Yan Chai Hospital Social Services Department to the elderly living at Shek Wing House to facilitate their staying home.

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