Yan Chai Hospital announces a nurse preliminarily confirmed with COVID-19 infection


The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesperson of Yan Chai Hospital (YCH) made the following announcement today (December 10) regarding a nurse tested preliminarily positive for COVID-19:
     A female nurse of the Department of Operating Theatre Services of YCH attended Accident and Emergency Department of Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) yesterday (December 9) for her persistent malaise since December 5. She was arranged to undergo COVID-19 deep throat saliva test and the test result was positive to COVID-19. She is currently receiving treatment under isolation in QEH with stable condition. The last duty date of the nurse concerned was on December 7. She did not come into contact with any COVID-19 patients in the hospital. As she was classified as the close contact of a community-acquired COVID-19 confirmed case announced yesterday with earlier symptom onset, it was inferred that she has acquired infection from community.
     The hospital's infection control team conducted contact tracing and noticed that the nurse concerned was equipped with appropriate personal protective equipment in accordance with infection control guidelines and proper hand hygiene. Three nurses who stayed in the same room with the nurse concerned while being on call overnight for emergency operations without mask protection were classified as close contacts and will be quarantined. The two patients she had come into brief contact were classified as other contacts.  They required viral tests and medical surveillance for 28 days. Contact tracing is in progress.
     The hospital had completed thorough cleansing and disinfection for the department concerned. The hospital would continue to closely monitor the health condition of the staff members and patients and communicate with the Centre for Health Protection on the latest situation.

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