Press release – Press conference at 12.00: EP and Council deal on rule of law conditionality mechanism


When: Today, 5 November at 12.00

Where: via Webex. Asking questions is possible

Parliament’s co-rapporteurs on the rule of law mechanism, Petri Sarvamaa (EPP, FI) and Eider Gardiazabal Rubial (S&D,ES), will hold a press conference today at 12.00 after a deal was struck on the rule of law conditionality, which enables the EU to stop funding governments that disrespect EU values such as the rule of law.

The press conference will be followed by a technical briefing by EP staff.

You can follow the press conference live on Parliament’s webstreaming or EbS – or ask questions by connecting via the WebEx.

Journalists are encouraged to participate remotely and ask questions via WebEx, by following this link:

Password: ruleoflaw

Please indicate your name, surname, and the media you are representing when connecting to the press conference.

If you wish to ask a question, please notify the EP press officer Agnese Krivade in the chat window and you will be given the opportunity.

Please use headphones and a microphone for better sound quality.

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