Forward look: 9-22 November 2020


Overview of the main topics and events at the Council of EU and European Council.

The indicated format of each meeting (physical or virtual) are subject to change.

Video conference of foreign affairs ministers (trade), 9 November 2020

Trade EU Ministers will exchange views on Trade Policy Review and outlook for WTO and relations with China and US during a videoconference.

Video conference of home affairs ministers, 13 November 2020

Ministers will discuss the fight against terrorism, following the recent terrorist attacks in France and Austria. They will also discuss various aspects of the pact on migration and asylum, proposed by the European Commission on 23 September.

Video conference of agriculture and fisheries ministers, 16 November 2020

Ministers will focus on sustainable food systems and discuss the latest developments in the agricultural markets.

Video conference of European affairs ministers, 17 November 2020

Rule of Law, Enlargement and MFF will be on the agenda of the videoconference of EU Affairs ministers.

Video conference of the members of the European Council, 19 November 2020

EU leaders will discuss coordination at EU level in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic

Video conference of foreign affairs ministers, 19 November 2020

EU ministers of foreign affairs will be briefed about Current Affairs and exchange of views on multilateralism

Video conference of internal market and industry ministers, 19 November 2020

Ministers will have an informal policy debate on how to make best use of the recovery plan for achieving a more dynamic, resilient and competitive European industry through investments in the green transformation

Video conference of foreign affairs ministers (defence), 20 November 2020

EU ministers of foreign affairs will be briefed about Current Affairs and exchange of views on multilateralism

Video conference of space ministers, 20 November 2020

Ministers will discuss how to enhance European competitiveness in the global space economy and shape international regulatory regimes. They will also prepare the tenth Space Council, to be held by videoconference immediately after.

For video coverage of Council sessions and audiovisual material, please see the following Council websites:

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