Over 1 200 teachers commended at Teachers’ Day Ceremony (with photos)


The following is issued on behalf of the Committee on Respect Our Teachers Campaign:

     The Salute to Teachers 2020 – Teachers' Day and Commendation Certificate Presentation Ceremony organised by the Committee on Respect Our Teachers Campaign (CROTC) was held today (November 4). The Acting Chief Executive, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, officiated at the ceremony and paid tribute to more than 1 200 teachers for their dedication to the teaching profession this year.    
     The Chairman of the CROTC, Dr Halina Poon, thanked the Government for attaching great importance to education and its determination and commitment to assure education quality. She encouraged teachers to strive for enhancement and put the well-being of students as their prime considerations all the time. This also meets the requirements for the community's increasing expectations on teachers. Dr Poon hopes that the teachers commended at the ceremony today would continuously emit positive energy and serve as good examples of their counterparts.

     Mr Cheung thanked all the teachers for their prompt responses to various challenges and their great efforts in the past year. Under the impact of COVID-19, face-to-face classes had been suspended for more than six months. During the period, with the concerted efforts of schools and teachers in adopting diversified and creative modes of teaching to achieve "suspending classes without suspending learning", students were provided with effective support in their learning.   

     Under the Teachers' Commendation Scheme, organised by the CROTC, the aim is to foster a culture of respect for teachers.  Secondary schools, primary schools, kindergartens and special schools may each nominate for the commendation two teachers who have shown commitment and excellence in teaching. The Scheme is now in its 25th year and to date over 31 000 teachers have been commended. The Teachers' Day and Commendation Certificate Presentation Ceremony this year was originally scheduled for mid-September. It was postponed to today due to the COVID-19 epidemic. All anti-epidemic measures have been put in place.  

     Other officiating guests at the ceremony included the Secretary for Education, Mr Kevin Yeung; the Permanent Secretary for Education, Ms Michelle Li; the Chairman of the Education Commission, Mr Tim Lui; and the Chairperson of the Committee on Professional Development of Teachers and Principals, Professor Alvin Leung. A total of 600 principals, teachers and other guests participated.

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