One-off grant to registered sports coaches under third round of Anti-epidemic Fund open for application


     A spokesman for the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) said today (October 9) that the One-off Grant to Registered Sports Coaches scheme, relaunched under the third round of the Anti-epidemic Fund, is now open for application. The scheme will provide a one-off grant of $5,000 for each eligible registered sports coach.
     Due to the deteriorating COVID-19 epidemic situation in mid-July, the Government further tightened up the social distancing measures. Most of the LCSD facilities were temporarily closed again from July 15, only to be gradually reopened in mid-September. As a result, many sports training activities that heavily relied on the provision of LCSD facilities were suspended again, in particular those handled by private coaches during the peak season of the summer vacation. The one-off grant scheme aims to further provide timely financial relief to eligible registered sports coaches.
     Sports coaches registered under National Sports Associations or recognised sports organisations who had provided coaching services from April 1, 2019, to September 30, 2020, are eligible to apply. They can submit applications to the Sports Funding Office of the LCSD by November 30. The grant will be disbursed in batches around two months after receipt of the completed application form and relevant documents.
     The application form and the guidelines of the scheme are available from the website ( or the 18 District Leisure Services Offices of the LCSD. Please contact the Sports Funding Office at 2601 7411 for enquiries.

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