Weekly schedule of President Charles Michel


Saturday 12 September 2020
09.00 Presentation of letters of credentials
11:15 Phone call with President of South Africa and African Union Chairperson Cyril Ramaphosa

Sunday 13 September 2020
10.30 Phone call with Prime Minister of Ireland Micheál Martin

Monday 14 September 2020
11.00 Meeting with Margaritis Schinas, EU Vice-President for Promoting our European Way of Life
14.00 EU-China leader’s meeting via video conference followed by press conference

Tuesday 15 September 2020
Visit to Greece (local time)

12.45 Meeting with Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis
14.00 Press opportunity

Wednesday 16 September 2020
Visit to Cyprus (local time)

09.00 Meeting with President Nicos Anastasiades
10.30 Press opportunity

Visit to Malta
17.00 Meeting with Prime Minister Robert Abela
18.00 Press opportunity

Friday 18 September 2020
08.30 Meeting with Frans Timmermans, EU Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal
11.00 Video conference with OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría
12.15 Meeting with Michel Barnier, Head of the Task Force for relations with the United Kingdom

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