First day operation of community testing centres is smooth (with photos/video)


     The Universal Community Testing Programme (UCTP) was launched today (September 1), with all the 141 community testing centres operating smoothly as a whole. A total of about 126 000 people attended and registered at the centres for specimen taking. Appropriate infection control and social distancing measures have been put in place at various testing centres, ensuring that the testing is safe, convenient and quick.
     A Government spokesman said that as at 8pm today, over 674 000 people have made successful online appointment since the online booking system commenced operation on August 29.
     "As certain community testing centres have been fully booked, the Government, after assessing the situation, has decided to increase the quota of these centres starting from September 3. Members of the public can make online appointments for these centres tomorrow (September 2)," the spokesman said.
     "Members of the public are encouraged to make online booking for the testing and then take the test at the community testing centres at the appointment time."
     Today, at the various community testing centres, about 2 000 healthcare personnel were deployed to collect specimens, while the administrative duties were undertaken by some 2 400 government employees.

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