Community Testing of COVID-19 for Frontline Property Management Workers to end by late August


     The Home Affairs Department (HAD), in collaboration with the Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies (HKAPMC), the Hong Kong Services Trade Alliance (HKSTA) and the Community Emergency Aid Team, launched the "Community Testing of COVID-19 for Frontline Property Management Workers" (CTPM) earlier to provide a one-off free testing of COVID-19 for frontline property management (PM) workers (including security and cleansing workers). 

     The CTPM will soon end on August 31. As at today (August 29), around 160 000 sample containers were distributed to frontline PM workers and around 97 000 samples have been collected and tested under the CTPM. Among the samples tested, five samples have tested positive for COVID-19, and the cases were referred to the Department of Health (DH) for follow-up. The test results of the five cases were confirmed by the DH.

     The CTPM was launched on July 20. The target beneficiaries are the around 100 000 frontline PM workers serving private properties, and more than 60 000 frontline PM workers serving buildings under different Government departments, the Hong Kong Housing Authority and the Hong Kong Housing Society. Workers participate in the CTPM on a voluntary basis.

     The HAD extends its appreciation to the HKAPMC, the HKSTA and the Community Emergency Aid Team for their staunch support rendered in implementing the CTPM, which help safeguard the health of frontline PM workers and the public.

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