Getting things done – Blackness Road, Glamis Road, Glamis Drive #dundeewestend


Residents recently contacted about an advertising hoarding on the Blackness Road, Glamis Road, Glamis Drive roundabout.

As one resident put it :

“I was very upset this morning at the sight of a bright pink advertising hoarding facing my garden from the Glamis Rd/Blackness Rd Circle.   This erection went up overnight with no notification that it was going to be erected and no opportunity to discuss the issues.   The circle has recently been improved visually with a tree and plants and it is now totally spoilt by the use of the circle for adverts.”

I am all for the council seeking advertising revenue from roundabout sponsorship at locations like the city centre/shopping and business areas but not where it is immediately adjacent to residential housing and asked the City Council’s Head of Planning and Economic Development is this could be removed.

I am pleased to say he has responded positively as follows :

“I can confirm that the signs on the Blackness Road/Glamis Road roundabout will be removed.  I anticipate that the works will be undertaken over the next two weeks.”

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