Results for “Relaunch Hong Kong” tender exercise announced


     The Information Services Department (ISD) announced today (June 29) that the public relations contract for the "Relaunch Hong Kong" campaign has been awarded to Consulum FZ LLC (Consulum) through an open tender.

     With the awarding of the contract, Consulum will start to develop a communications strategy as well as a marketing and advertising plan to highlight Hong Kong's recovery and help rebuild confidence in Hong Kong as a place to invest, do business, work and live.
     The company will carry out local and international baseline research to shape an issues and crisis management programme that will address the information needs and current perceptions of Hong Kong's key global stakeholders.

     "We believe this initiative can help Hong Kong reconnect with global audiences as we gradually reopen for business and visitors after the worldwide fight against COVID-19 subsides," Deputy Director of Information Services Mr Brett Free said.

     "This programme will help us to inform global audiences about Hong Kong's economic recovery and responses to issues of international interest, including the facts surrounding Hong Kong's efforts to address the COVID-19 crisis, and that Hong Kong remains always welcoming and open for business."

     Consulum is a global strategy and communications consultancy that specialises in supporting countries and governments.

     At the close of the application period on May 15, the ISD had received a total of seven bids for this tender exercise. After thorough assessment, Consulum was selected for a one-year contract at a tender sum of US$6,289,215.

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