2m rule must be reviewed to save hospitality jobs


15 Jun 2020

Jackson Carlaw, leader of the Scottish Conservatives has again called for the 2m social distancing regulations to be reviewed in order to save thousands of jobs in Scotland’s hospitality industry.

The call comes after the hospitality industry itself has stated that thousands of jobs are at risk, across Scotland, from the imposition of the 2m rule.

Scotland’s pubs and bars alone account for more than 45,000 jobs, and more still through the supply chain in breweries.

The Scottish Beer and Pub Association has endorsed the reduction in social distance stating that, at 1m, 3,400 pubs will be able to open their doors when lockdown eases as opposed to less than half that number, 1,500, if the distance remains at 2m.

The call comes on the back of research from Yougov suggesting that British consumers are twice as likely to return to pub gardens than pubs themselves, again suggesting that the crucial 2m is deterring customers.

The research shows that 26% of the public is comfortable visiting pubs, 37% of the public is comfortable visiting restaurants, while 53% of the public is comfortable visiting pub gardens once lockdown rules have been eased.

Jackson Carlaw, Scottish Conservative leader said:

“Scotland’s hospitality and tourism sector is vital for Scotland’s economy.

“Thousands of jobs in Scotland could be saved if the Scottish Government reviews the 2m rule.

“Given that we are inevitably going to see a steep decline in overseas tourism this summer and beyond, it is even more important that we can encourage Scots to go out and spend money.

“This is why it is absolutely crucial that the 2m social distancing rule is reviewed.

“Looking again at the distance measure must be considered as part of the journey out of lockdown.”

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