Sturgeon should apologise and face Holyrood over Nike cover-up


19 May 2020

Nicola Sturgeon owes an apology to businesses affected by the spreading of coronavirus at a business conference in Edinburgh, and should face the Scottish Parliament to answer questions on the matter.

The First Minister didn’t inform the public about the outbreak at a Nike summit at the end of February.

Now it’s been reported that, as well as sportswear delegates being hit by Covid-19, other businesses were impacted too.

That includes Lloyds staff who shared the Hilton Carlton Hotel facilities, and two other businesses who came into contact with those attending the event.

Despite an SNP commitment to trace coronavirus cases, Lloyds said it only learned that 20 of its workers were exposed through media reports.

Scottish Conservative leader Jackson Carlaw said Ms Sturgeon should apologise to businesses who weren’t told of the risks.

He added that she should come to the Scottish Parliament and face scrutiny over the matter.

Scottish Conservative leader Jackson Carlaw said:

“Nicola Sturgeon never tires of telling us she’s in sole charge of this, and that she’s being as transparent as possible with the public.

 “Yet when the first test of transparency and accountability arrived at the end of February, she was found wanting.

“The First Minister claims she wants to treat Scots like adults amid this pandemic, yet crucial information about how the coronavirus entered Scotland was kept secret from the public for months

“Now we know it wasn’t just the Nike delegates who were affected, but at least three other Edinburgh businesses.

“Day after day, new information on this scandal is exposed, as is the role of senior SNP government figures, including the First Minister, in hushing it up.

“It is time Nicola sturgeon delivered a full statement on this matter and submitted herself to questioning by the whole Scottish Parliament”

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