Revealed: the SNP’s missed 80k tests in May


15 May 2020

The SNP missed its own coronavirus testing target by almost 80,000 in the first fortnight of May, it has been revealed.

By the end of last month, the Scottish Government said it would be conducting 10,000 Covid-19 tests every day as a key tactic in the fight against the virus.

On that measure, 140,000 Scots should have been tested in the two weeks since April 30.

In fact, only 62,405 were, meaning the target has been missed by more than half – with 77,595 failing to be delivered.

The failing comes despite increasing recognition that testing is one of the most essential tools in beating the virus and lifting lockdown restrictions.

Carrying out the tests would improve the data provided to work out Scotland’s all-important ‘R’ number and form the focus of any test, trace, isolate campaign.

The Scottish Conservatives have repeatedly called for the SNP government to get testing capacity out and into the community, particularly for carers working with the most vulnerable groups.

But weeks into the crisis, care homes are still reporting that staff and patients are not being tested sufficiently.

Scottish Conservative leader Jackson Carlaw said:

“The SNP’s inexcusable failure on testing is hampering Scotland’s fightback against the coronavirus.

“In just the last two weeks, there were nearly 80,000 people in Scotland who should have been tested but were not.

“A huge number of these will have been carers who are being forced to go into residential facilities and the community not knowing whether or not they’re taking the disease with them.

“That’s heartbreaking for them, and the vulnerable people they treat and assist with such dedication.

“In short, this failure is putting lives at risk.

“We’ve repeatedly told the SNP that if it can’t get people to testing facilities, it must take testing to them.

“There are plenty of ways to do that but, until now, it just hasn’t happened.

“That’s not good enough, and it’s a situation which needs to change as a matter of urgency.”

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