Press release – Opening – April extraordinary plenary session on EU COVID-19 measures


Thanking all those making sacrifices, President Sassoli said “The humanity of our citizens is our greatest asset.” Healthcare workers are at the forefront of this fight, the president said, adding that they deserve all our support, admiration and gratitude for the work they are doing and for the generosity they show even in the most difficult circumstances.

He thanked all those working, including farmers and fishers, telecommunications experts and supermarket cashiers who are showing great discipline and a sense of responsibility. He included all citizens respecting the preventative measures, shopping for the elderly and looking after the most vulnerable.

Parliament has given the authorities in Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg the use of its premises for emergency-related activities. “We owe the cities that host us a debt of gratitude”, he added.

Thanking Members and EP staff for finding new ways of working, the president highlighted that democracy continues to function. The EU institutions are fully committed to meeting the needs of citizens and member states, during this crisis and after to contribute to the global response to Coronavirus, said the President.

The EU is acting to support health systems and make essential medical products available, support research, help preserve jobs and support families and the most vulnerable, and to provide help to farmers, fishermen and businesses.

MEPs will discuss and vote on a resolution on coordinated EU action to combat the pandemic and its consequences, including orderly exit strategies from confinement.

Changes to the agenda

The April extraordinary part session will take place on Thursday 16 and Friday 17 April.

The Parliament’s revised calendar can be found here.

The changes to the agenda with ten urgency procedures added and timing of votes can be found here.

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