External audit 2020: conformity with the highest standards


March 26, 2020 About the EUIPO

External audit 2020: conformity with the highest standards

The EUIPO has successfully passed the external audit of its six certified management systems.

This year’s external audit concluded with the renewal of the EUIPO’s environmental certification (EMAS). The auditors also confirmed that the EUIPO’s processes remain in full alignment with international standards in the field of quality (ISO 9001), information security (ISO 27001), complaints management (ISO 10002), occupational health and safety (OHSAS 18001) and universal accessibility (UNE 170001).

The auditors praised the EUIPO for its drive towards continuous improvement. The maturity of the management systems implemented at the Office as well as the robustness of its processes were also mentioned, among other noteworthy efforts.

The auditors underlined the consultation with stakeholders that was launched to develop the SP2025, highlighting in particular the EUIPO’s customer-focused approach. In addition, the auditors drew special attention to the Office’s continuous development in the field of information security and new technologies, its outstanding environmental performance and the effectiveness of its health and safety and accessibility measures considering the extraordinarily accident rate 

Overall, no non-conformities were identified and a few observations and opportunities for improvement were indicated. The EUIPO took note of these findings and will start working to address them soon.

This successful outcome is without doubt the result of the invaluable work of all EUIPO staff.

For more information about the Office’s certified management systems, please visit the EUIPO’s quality page.


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