CE visits Auxiliary Medical Service Headquarters (with photos/videos)


     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, visited the Auxiliary Medical Service (AMS) Headquarters in Ho Man Tin today (March 20) to thank the AMS personnel for their full support for the enforcement of the compulsory quarantine to safeguard public health.
     Accompanied by the Commissioner of the AMS and the Director of Health, Dr Constance Chan, and the Chief Staff Officer of the AMS, Mr Wong Ying-keung, Mrs Lam visited the AMS Headquarters to know more about the work of the AMS amid the epidemic. This included the assistance given to escort persons under quarantine to quarantine centres and the escorting of persons under quarantine with chronic illnesses for treatment or follow-up medical consultations as well as the collection of prescription medications for them. The AMS members also assist the Department of Health to provide medical services at quarantine centres. At the meeting with the front-line AMS personnel, Mrs Lam thanked them for fighting against the COVID-19 infection at the forefront, and for working hard to provide indispensable services to people under quarantine. She stressed that the Government will prioritise the provision of protective gear and equipment including surgical masks to them.
     The AMS is a brigade formed by volunteers which come from all walks of life including healthcare professionals working in public and private healthcare sectors. In times of emergency and natural disaster, the AMS supplements the regular medical and health services while it reinforces the regular ambulance services and provides first aid service at public functions in its daily operation. During the epidemic, more than 100 AMS members assist in the enforcement of compulsory quarantine matters every day.
     Mrs Lam said with the persistent and rapid increase in the number of COVID-19 cases globally, the Government is doing its utmost to reduce the risk of transmission of the virus from overseas to protect people's health, including the implementation of the compulsory quarantine commenced at 0.00am yesterday for all persons who have stayed in overseas countries and territories for any period during the 14 days preceding their arrival in Hong Kong. Stressing that the AMS provides vital support for the anti-epidemic work of the Government, she said the epidemic is expected to last for a period of time and that she hopes that members of the AMS will continue to rise to the challenge to protect people's health together.

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