SCOLAR invites applications for Incentive Scheme on the Development of Chinese Language Graded Readers for Non-Chinese Speaking Children


The following is issued on behalf of the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research:
     The Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) today (March 18) launched the Incentive Scheme on the Development of Chinese Language Graded Readers for Non-Chinese Speaking Children and is now inviting applications.
     The scheme is supported by the Language Fund. Eligible local organisations are invited to develop and publish Chinese-language graded readers specifically designed for non-Chinese speaking children aged 3 to 9 in Hong Kong, with a view to helping them develop an interest in and a habit of reading Chinese books, thereby enhancing their ability to use the Chinese language. The graded readers will be distributed free of charge to kindergartens and primary schools across Hong Kong and other related organisations for non-Chinese speaking students. 
     There are considerable challenges facing the growing number of Hong Kong-born non-Chinese speaking children in developing reading capabilities during their acquisition of the Chinese language. While extensive reading is one of the effective ways to master a language, extracurricular reading materials in Chinese catering for the unique needs of local non-Chinese speaking children are yet to be readily available in Hong Kong. The Language Fund will provide sponsorship of $4 million each to a maximum of three eligible organisations for developing and publishing graded readers for non-Chinese speaking children.
     Application for the scheme will close at noon on May 12, 2020. Local organisations interested in submitting applications may download the Guide to Applicants from the SCOLAR webpage and attend a briefing session for further details.
     Details are available at the SCOLAR webpage:

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