Transcript of remarks by SLW on Budget initiatives


     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Dr Law Chi-kwong, on initiatives in the 2020-21 Budget after attending a radio programme this morning (March 3):

Reporter: Dr Law, can you give a bit more details (about the proposed cash payout through the Community Care Fund), like who the main targets will be? Mainlanders, new migrants or will it cover other ethnic minorities? When do you hope to give the money out to them?

Secretary for Labour and Welfare: Because the Community Care Fund hasn't yet decided the details, what I can say now is that it is more or less as the practice that we had made back in 2011, primarily based on those who are coming here to live in Hong Kong, rather than those who are in transit, such as those studying or those who are imported labour. So, the primary purpose of those who will be covered will be those coming here to Hong Kong to stay, but unfortunately they may not have reached seven years to become permanent residents. This is the major target. Because the amount of money will be disbursed by the Community Care Fund, therefore we need to have a rider on it, and that is they will be someone who have some financial needs, so basically we are talking about the grassroots people.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.) 

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