Operational event at Yangjiang Nuclear Power Station


     An operational event at Yangjiang Nuclear Power Station (YNPS) was reported on the website of Yangjiang Nuclear Power Co Ltd (YNPC), a Security Bureau spokesperson said today (February 4).

     In accordance with the arrangement agreed with the power grid, Unit 2 of YNPS was put in standby mode during the Lunar New Year holidays. On February 2, the server of the computer information and control system of Unit 2 experienced a malfunction. Station staff took timely action to switch to the backup control system to continue to monitor the condition of the Unit. The fault was swiftly resolved, and the system promptly returned to normal condition. During the repair, Unit 2 remained in a safe condition all along.
     After the aforementioned event, YNPC has taken timely action to report the situation to the relevant regulatory authority. The event was classified as Level 0 in accordance with the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale and the relevant nuclear safety regulations, and had no effect on the safe operation of the nuclear power station or on the health of the workers, the nearby public or the environment.
     YNPC has disclosed the details of this event on its website. They can be viewed at the "operational events" section under the "nuclear and radiation safety information" webpage of the YNPC website (www.yjnp.com.cn) (Chinese only).

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