Article – Liaison offices: get in touch with the Parliament near you


Thousands of activities

In 2019 hundreds of thousands of people joined in thousands of activities informing them about the European elections taking place last May and this community continues through so you can join in.

Parliament’s offices support volunteers and their activities or directly organise meetings, debates and training session both offline and online. From time to time there are competitions to win a trip to Parliament in Brussels or Strasbourg, so check out the website of your nearest office or follow them on social media.

Young Europeans in the spotlight

The liaison offices also support pan-European activities for young people:

  • The European Youth Event (EYE) brings together thousands of young people to share and shape their ideas on the future of Europe. The next one will be in Strasbourg on 29-30 May 2020.
  • Euroscola is a simulation for young students that get together in Strasbourg to engage in negotiations, debates in the plenary chamber, voting and adopting resolutions as if they were real MEPs. There are about 20 Euroscola sessions a year in Strasbourg, which attract some 10,000 students every year.
  • The European Parliament Ambassador School Programme gives secondary and vocational school students the opportunity to learn about the EU and their rights. As of the end of October 2019 there were 3,411 teachers and 21,450 students actively involved, from 1,500 certified schools in 27 EU countries (all except the UK).

Parliament’s liaison offices also work with the media and of course with the MEPs from their country, who they involve in debates and other activities.

Visit, experience and discover

The Parliament not only offers visitors centres in Brussels and Strasbourg. In Berlin, Helsinki, Ljubljana and Copenhagen, you can visit the Europa Experience for an interactive exhibition showing how decisions are made at the European level. There will also be a Europe Experience in Talinnn soon.

In the US you can also visit the liaison office in Washington DC, which primarily liaises with the US Congress but also engages with the European community overseas.

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