USA: Foreign Secretary meets family of Harry Dunn

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said:

Earlier today, I had a constructive meeting with Harry Dunn’s family. I appreciate how painful this is for them, and welcomed the chance to address a number of their concerns.

We are united in our determination to get justice for Harry. The Government will do everything it can. I also reaffirmed my commitment to conclude the review of the arrangements at RAF Croughton by the end of the year to ensure they cannot be used in this way again.

I appeal to Anne Sacoolas herself to do the right thing. If there is a charging decision from the Crown Prosecution Service, I urge her to come back to the United Kingdom and cooperate with the criminal justice process.

Finally, I want to pay tribute to the tenacity of Harry’s family and friends and their determination to get justice for Harry. We will support them in any way we can.

Published 17 December 2019

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