Police dispersing violent protestors in the vicinity of Mong Kok


Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:
Please broadcast the following message as soon as possible and repeat it at suitable intervals:
     Since 7pm today (October 31), a large group of protestors have been occupying Nathan Road, Prince Edward Road West and roads in the vicinity of Prince Edward MTR station in Mong Kok, paralysing traffic. Violent protestors have also damaged MTR exits and traffic lights at the junction of Nathan Road and Lai Chi Kok Road. In face of the drastically deteriorating situation, Police officers are using minimum necessary force, including tear gas, to effect dispersal.
     Over the past three weeks, Police have recorded 10 traffic accidents related to damaged traffic lights, resulting in around 30 casualties.
     Police warn all violent protestors to stop all illegal acts and express strong condemnation. Police also appeal to everyone at scene to leave immediately and not to charge Police cordon lines. Members of the public should avoid travelling to the area. Residents in the vicinity are advised to keep their windows shut and stay indoors, if necessary.

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