Hong Kong Police attended 14th Symposium on Police Studies of the Strait cum Hong Kong and Macao


     The Commissioner of Police, Mr Lo Wai-chung led the Hong Kong delegates, including the Director of Immigration, Mr Tsang Kwok-wai, the Deputy Commissioner of Police (Management), Mr Kwok Yam-shu, and the Director of Personnel and Training, Mr Li Kin-fai, to attend the 14th Symposium on Police Studies of the Strait cum Hong Kong and Macao in Shenyang from October 23 to 24.

     The theme of the 14th Symposium is "Optimising the Use of Smart Technology to Enhance Police Efficacy and Cross-jurisdiction Policing Co-operation". A total of 200 participants including police officers, expert delegates and academics from the Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao participated in the event to present their papers and exchange views on related topics.

     On October 23, Mr Lo delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. At the seven plenary sessions of the two-day symposium, 30 papers were presented by the paper authors.

     During the symposium, Mr Lo also went to Beijing to pay courtesy calls to the Ministry of Public Security and the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, brief them on the law and order situation of Hong Kong, and exchange views on cross-boundary crimes and police co-operation.

     Mr Lo returned to Hong Kong today (October 25).

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