“We believe this deal does nothing to address the major concerns we have about Brexit and will not help secure Wales’ future prosperity.” Final Say Wales Board


18 October 2019

Leading members of Welsh Labour, the Welsh Liberal Democrats, the Welsh Conservatives and the Green Party of Wales have agreed to the formation of a cross-party committee to prepare for a Final Say on Brexit.

Final Say Wales is a politically neutral organisation that will campaign for a confirmatory vote on any Brexit deal. We believe this is the biggest issue of our generation, the people of Wales must have their final say on Brexit. We believe in democracy and we want our Final Say on any Brexit Deal that is presented to Westminster.

Chair of Final Say Wales, Lynne Neagle AM outlined the purpose of FSW and our united commitment to a final say on Brexit:

“Final Say Wales has pulled together political parties in Wales to begin the preparation for the campaign for a final say referendum on the Prime Minister’s Deal. Wales is the first nation within the UK to establish a cross party committee to end the uncertainty of Brexit and unite political parties on the issue. This is an important step to ensure we secure a positive future for Wales, with the backing of a devolved government.

We believe this deal does nothing to address the major concerns we have about Brexit and will not help secure Wales’ future prosperity. That’s why we have come together to campaign for a final say about Brexit and why we will campaign to remain in the EU because we believe that offers the best deal for Wales.”

Bill Powell, President of the Welsh Liberal Democrats stated:

“Parties in Wales have come together to secure the future of our nation. The deadline is fast approaching and our Parties in Wales agree, we need our final say on the Prime Minister’s Brexit Deal.”

Guto Bebb MP for Aberconwy stated:

“Time is now of the essence, we in Wales have been working across the political parties to unite the country and ensure we secure Wales’ future. The Prime Minister’s Deal will not secure the future of our Welsh economy. The deal needs to be put back to the people and allow them to have their final say on Brexit.”

Anthony Slaughter, Leader of the Welsh Green Party stated:

“Parties in Wales have come together to put narrow party-political issues aside to campaign to secure Wales’ future. We’re all united on this issue and demand that the people of Wales have their final say on the Brexit deal presented to Parliament on Saturday.”

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