Austria Brexit vocabulary


For more detailed information for UK nationals in Austria, see Living in Austria


Registration certificate for EU/EEA/Swiss nationals required within four months of arriving in Austria. Available from the local Bezirkshauptmannschaft or Magistrat (the MA35 in Vienna). Can be replaced upon application after 5 years of continuous legal residence with a Bescheinigung des Daueraufenthalts, although this is not compulsory.

Will cease to be valid if the UK leaves the EU without a deal but will be important evidence when applying for a new residence permit.

More information.


Residency document for third country nationals with a close family relationship to an EU/EEA/Swiss citizen. Can be replaced after 5 years of continuous legal residence with a Daueraufenthaltskarte.

Will cease to be valid if the sponsoring EU citizen is a UK national and the UK leaves the EU without a deal but will be important evidence when applying for a new residence permit.

More information (in German).

Bescheinigung des Daueraufenthalts

Optional registration certificate for EU/EEA/Swiss nationals available after five continuous years of legal residence in Austria. The follow-on document from the Anmeldebescheinigung.

Available from the local Magistrat (in Vienna the MA35) or Bezirkshauptmannschaft.

The Bescheinigung des Daueraufenthalts will cease to be valid if the UK leaves the EU without a deal but will be useful evidence when applying for a new residence permit.


Local authority responsible for processing applications for residency documents. In regional cities, this is the role of the Magistrat – in Vienna the MA35.

Brexit Begleitgesetze

A series of laws passed by Austria’s national and regional governments in early 2019 to minimise disruption if the UK leaves the EU without a deal.

Brexit Hotline

The Austrian Government has set up a special hotline for questions about Brexit: +43 (0) 800 222 666 (free of charge within Austria). You can also email:

Citizens’ Rights

The overall heading for the parts of Brexit that are directly related to your rights to live, travel, work and access public services in EU/EEA countries.

Daueraufenthalt – EU

Residence document available to third country nationals after five consecutive years of residence in Austria. This will be one of the residence statuses available to British nationals in the event of a no-deal. See here (in German) for further information.

Must be renewed every 5 years. Income and language requirements normally apply, although language requirements will be waived for UK nationals applying within 6 months should the UK leave the EU without a deal.


See Bescheinigung des Daueraufenthalts.


Residence document for third country nationals with a close family relationship to an EU/EEA/Swiss citizen. Available after 5 years of continuous residence and valid for 10 years.

Will cease to be valid if the sponsoring EU citizen is a UK national and the UK leaves the EU without a deal, but will be important evidence when applying for new residence permit.

More information (in German).

Frontier workers

Frontier workers are EU, EEA and Swiss citizens who regularly commute to another country because they are employed or self-employed in one country but live elsewhere. For example, someone living in Germany but working in Austria.

Legitimationskarte / Legitimation Card

Residence card for diplomats and employees of international organisations such as the UN, OSCE, EU, etc., and their dependants. More info here.

Living in Austria guide

The place to go for the UK Government’s guidance on living in Austria. If and when anything changes in the rights of UK nationals to live in Austria, we will update this page. Please sign up for updates.


The department of Vienna’s regional government responsible for immigration and nationality. The office for EU nationals is in the 12th District: Arndtstraße 67, Stiege 1, 1. Stock, 1120 Wien (map).

If the UK leaves without a deal, the regional offices of the MA35 will be responsible for your residence permit application. More information is available on this presentation from the Austrian government.

Outside of Vienna this is the role of the Bezirkshauptmannschaft or the local Magistrat.


Local authority responsible for processing applications for residency documents. Outside of cities, this is the role of the Bezirkshauptmannschaft and in Vienna the MA35.

Meldebestätigung (Meldezettel)

Residence registration form you need to apply for within 3 days of moving into a new home, or arriving in Austria.

Technically, the Meldezettel is the form you fill in to apply for a Meldebestätigung, but the Meldebestätigung is commonly referred to as a Meldezettel.

Outreach events

Events organised by the British Embassy for UK nationals in Austria, where you can ask representatives of the UK and Austrian governments questions about Brexit.

More info on outreach events in Austria.

Rot-Weiß-Rot Karte – plus (RWR+)

Residence permit available to UK nationals resident in Austria if the UK leaves the EU without a deal. Must be renewed annually.

UK nationals resident in Austria before Brexit are exempt from the standard language test and the income requirements when applying for a “Rot-Weiß-Rot Karte – Plus”.

More information here.

Third-country national

Someone who is not a national of an EU/EEA country or a Swiss national.

Withdrawal Agreement

The agreement negotiated between the EU and UK on how the UK should leave. This has not been passed by the UK parliament. Citizens’ Rights was one of the areas covered by the agreement.

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