Smart funding: open to innovative businesses from any sector


Smart is Innovate UK’s open grant funding programme. Up to £25 million is available to support the best game-changing and commercially viable ideas across a whole range of technology areas.

Projects can focus on any area of technology and on any area of the economy including arts, design and media, creative industries, and science and engineering.

Projects in support of one of the grand challenges in the UK government’s Industrial Strategy are welcomed but this is not necessary.

Innovate UK Smart grants

Game-changing ideas

The competition will support a range of projects from short feasibility studies to larger research and development projects and experimental development lasting up to 3 years.

Applicants must show they have:

  • a game-changing idea that could lead to commercially viable new products, processes or services
  • a strong business plan and a plan to deliver significant economic impact

Competition information

  • the competition opens on 17 October 2019, and the closing date is at midday on 8 January 2020
  • businesses of any size may apply
  • we expect projects to vary in size between £25,000 and £2 million
  • a briefing event will be held on 24 October 2019

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