UK – Albania Tech Hub launches call for applications 2019-2020


What is the UK-Albania Tech Hub?

A one of its kind, the UK-Albania Tech Hub is a programme that supports collaboration between Albania and the UK in the area of technology. Following the second successful round, the programme this year will continue to include and accept applications from start-ups located in the Western Balkan countries as well.

The hub aims to facilitate bilateral tech partnerships between Albania and the UK. It focuses on tech start-ups that have the potential to contribute to growth in the UK by sharing innovation, skills and business opportunities between the two countries.

The project does this through identifying targeted solutions, partners and models of collaboration for tech start-ups engaging entrepreneurs with capacity-building events with key business experts leading to UK delegation to meet potential business and tech partners.


The programme is based on the successful UK-Israel Tech Hub and the programmes includes a three step approach to supporting tech start-ups:

1. Training programme

There are up to 20 spaces available for start-ups with high-growth potential to participate in a workshop series in Tirana which will include training and mentoring session to help grow their ideas and develop their capacities using local and UK practices and expertise.

2. UK Exchange programme

Following a competitive process, a number of the start-ups that have successfully completed the training programme will be chosen to continue their training in London. The shortlisted start-ups will embark on further training, mentoring and explore business opportunities in UK’s tech sector. Entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to meet with accelerators, hub, tech networks, investors and potential clients.

3. Post training

Follow-up support to further develop their businesses and acceleration programme for high potential start-ups to further grow their business, incl. high profile networking events, opportunities to be paired with UK mentors, opportunities for joint projects and opportunities to contribute to policy making.

What’s next?

Applications are open to all technology start-ups that are already established in the Albanian market or the countries of the Western Balkans. Please fill in the application form and send it by email to: Use UK-Albania Tech Hub as subject line.

Deadline for applications is: 18 October 2019

Important information

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend a series of 8 workshops with key international experts. Participants are therefore required to commit time in the evening and weekends. It is of paramount importance that participants commit to the above, trainings will start in early November.

Eligibility criteria

1) Are you a start-up in the field of technology?

2) Do you have at least one product and are looking for customers?

3) Are you are a resident/operating/registered in one of the Western Balkan countries?

4) Do you understand, speak, read and write in English? (most of the training session will be in English)

Application form (ODT, 50.7KB)

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