UK-US-Norway statement on the anniversary of the signing of the revitalized agreement on the resolution of the conflict in South Sudan


On the one-year anniversary of the signing of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS), the Troika (United States, United Kingdom, and Norway) wishes to reconfirm its support for the peace process and to underscore the need to implement the terms of the R-ARCSS in a timely manner.

We applaud President Salva Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar for engaging in direct talks in Juba on September 9-10 and for the subsequent recommitment to form a transitional government. We encourage President Kiir to continue to facilitate the dialogue necessary among South Sudan’s political leaders, including Dr. Machar, to ensure the formation of a transitional, representative, national government by the November 12 deadline. In forming this government, South Sudan’s leaders have the opportunity to set aside ethnic rivalries and personal interests and demonstrate the political will necessary to build a better future for the people of South Sudan.

On this anniversary, we hope that South Sudan’s political leaders will demonstrate to the millions of South Sudanese who live in fear of a return to conflict that they are definitively abandoning the use of force to resolve political differences. We urge all of South Sudan’s leaders to take the necessary steps to uphold a definitive cessation of hostilities and to initiate the demobilization, disarmament, and reintegration process that will build a truly national security apparatus.

The Troika will continue to stand with and support the people of South Sudan, who deserve a government that respects human rights, empowers women and youth, and enables economic development through the peaceful return of refugees and internally displaced persons to their homes. We further hope for a constructive relationship with the post-November 12 Government of South Sudan.

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