CSD holds passing-out parade


     The Correctional Services Department (CSD) held a passing-out parade at the Staff Training Institute in Stanley today (August 9) to mark the graduation of 22 Officers and 72 Assistant Officers II. The Chairman of the Legislative Council Panel on Security, Mr Chan Hak-kan, reviewed the parade.
     During the parade, the correctional officers marched past the reviewing officers with energy and high morale. They demonstrated the self-confidence, team spirit and enthusiasm of being correctional officers.
     The newly recruited Officers and Assistant Officers II have undergone 26 weeks and 23 weeks of training respectively. One Officer was awarded the Principal's Shield, while three Assistant Officers II were awarded the Golden Whistle for their outstanding performance.
     Two graduates spoke to the media after the parade. Officer Mr Lee Tsz-lok said he hopes to help persons in custody to rehabilitate through his teaching experience and communication skills.
     Another interviewee, Assistant Officer II Ms Man Woon-yi, who was formerly a representative of the Hong Kong Athletic Team, said correctional work is not only a job, but also a commitment. She expressed the hope to assist persons in custody in turning over a new leaf so as to contribute to the community.

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