Meeting British citizens across Croatia


The British Embassy in Zagreb held meetings across Croatia to update British citizens working and living in the country and answering their questions regarding Britain’s departure from the European Union.

In our team’s continuous effort to reach as many British expats in Croatia as possible, we will be announcing further outreach meetings here and via direct email and social media channels. Should you wish to receive such emails please subscribe by writing to

Previous British citizens outreach meetings

Thursday 28 February Zagreb
Thursday 7 March Rijeka
Thursday 14 March Split

Further British citizens outreach meetings

September – details will be provided

The meetings are free and once you’ve registered, you will receive a confirmation email that includes the precise location of the meeting. The meetings will start with a short introduction to update you on the progress made so far in the negotiations and will be followed by a Q&A session.

For questions concerning your rights as a British citizen in Croatia contact us.

If you have any suggestions for other towns and places that could host our citizens outreach meetings, please email

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