British Embassy Paris: call for Franco-British projects



The relationship between the UK and France goes back over one thousand years and the deep history between our two countries is reflected in the ties that join us. Today, our partnership spans across the full spectrum of issues, from trade and defence to science and culture.

What makes this all possible are the strong links between the people from across both our countries. People with shared aims and objectives who, helped by geographical proximity, work successfully together for the shared benefit of our nations and communities. Some of this happens in our capitals but it is important to remember that a lot of it does not. The relationship between the UK and France goes beyond London and Paris – our regional relationships hold just as much importance.

That is why, during the UK-France Summit in 2018, the President of the French Republic and the British Prime Minister, announced the first ever UK-France Mayors’ Summit, which was organised in London in March 2019.

This Summit gathered over a hundred regional leaders from across France and the UK to reinforce existing cooperation between our towns and cities and develop new partnerships, such as between Manchester and Montpellier, Newham and Saint Denis and Kent and the Pas de Calais region.

We now want to build on the momentum of the Summit and support local towns, cities and communities in the UK and France to continue to pursue and generate innovative and relevant projects together.


Building on the success of the UK-France Mayors’ Summit, we want to facilitate practical and innovative local initiatives between the UK and France, which support local objectives and benefit local communities. We are therefore making available a pot of money to do this, which is now open to local bids from across France and the UK. Bids could be anything from business forums with the aim of exchanging best practice to youth sport competitions.

Three main themes emerged from the Mayors Summit as being practical and impactful areas of collaboration.

We are particularly looking for bids that fall under these categories:

  • environment and tackling climate change
  • promoting innovation and digital and increase territory attractiveness
  • promoting culture, heritage and sports at local level

We are looking for concrete and innovative project bids from a British and/or French local authority or communities. Bidders should at least already have secured the agreement from a partner in the other country to proceed with the project, even if the details are not yet clear. We regret that the British Embassy will not be able to support bids that have not yet secured a partner.

Selection criteria

Who can apply?

The British Embassy in Paris will review all applications from:

  • British local authorities or communities who have already secured the agreement from a French partner to implement the project following a successful bid
  • French local authorities or communities who have already secured the agreement from a British partner to implement the project [following a successful bid]. Whilst the Embassy can offer some light touch support, delivery of the project will be led by the bidder and any/or any local organisation they choose to work with


Project(s) selected must satisfy the following criteria:

Funds must be spent by 28 February 2020


A total sum of £15,000 is now open to local bids. The fund will be attributed to one single project or to several projects, depending on the nature of the bids received.


Applications must be submitted online by 2 September 2019 to

The jury will be composed of members of the British Embassy and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Local authorities will be notified of their selection or not by 30 September 2019.

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