Police strongly condemn law-breaking behaviours of protestors


     The procession held on Hong Kong Island yesterday (June 9) was mostly conducted in a peaceful and orderly manner. However, after the procession had concluded, some protestors conducted unlawful assembly and charged the cordon line of Police with force in the vicinity of The Legislative Council Complex (Complex) since the small hours today (June 10).  Police then took actions to disperse them after repeated appeals asking them to leave were ignored. Police strongly condemned the law-breaking behaviours of protestors and reiterated that resolute enforcement action will be taken to track down the involved parties.

     The protestors in the vicinity of the Complex had attacked police officers at scene with mills barriers, iron poles and other objects. They pushed the car park gate of the Complex, charged the cordon line of Police with force as well as attempted to block and occupy the main roads nearby with objects. The protestors refused to comply with the repeated warnings issued by Police who then discharged OC foam and used batons to disperse the protestors.

     During today’s operation, Police arrested 19 persons, aged between 19 and 34, for unlawful assembly and obstructing police officers. Among the 17 men and two women, seven arrestees are still being detained for enquiries while 12 others have been released on bail pending further enquires. During the operation, Police seized scissors, cutters, blades, multi-purpose knives, lighters and plastic ropes, etc.

     Eight police officers were injured during the operation. Two of them were admitted to hospital while six others were discharged. One police officer sustained serious eye injuries after being kicked by a protestor. Police expressed regret over injuries of officers during the operation.

     Police strongly condemned the protestors for their law-breaking acts which endangered the safety of others. Police have all along respected people’s rights of freedom of expression and facilitated the conduct of all lawful and peaceful public events while at the same time ensured public safety and order. Police appealed to members of the public to comply with the laws of Hong Kong and maintain social order when expressing their views.

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