Food Safety Day 2019 encourages consumers to ensure food safety actively (with photos)


     The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department today (June 2) held Food Safety Day 2019, an annual event highlighting "Empower Consumers to Ensure Food Safety" this year, with the aim of encouraging consumers to work together with the Government and the food trade to ensure food safety and protect public health.
     Speaking at the launch ceremony of Food Safety Day 2019 today, Consultant (Community Medicine) (Risk Assessment and Communication) of the CFS, Dr Samuel Yeung, said that to tie in with the first World Food Safety Day on June 7 this year which was newly designated by the United Nations, the CFS has adopted the theme "Empower Consumers to Ensure Food Safety" for Food Safety Day this year to raise public awareness of the shared responsibility of the Government, the food trade and consumers to safeguard food safety, in which consumers can play a more active role. With a good grasp of clear and reliable information, consumers can understand the health risks posed by food and make informed choices of safe and healthy food.

     Dr Yeung advised consumers to be aware of the source of food, read the nutrition labels and expiry dates, and follow the "Five Keys to Food Safety", namely "Choose wisely", "Keep clean", "Separate raw and cooked food", "Cook thoroughly" and "Safe temperature", when preparing food so as to prevent food-borne diseases effectively.
     He noted that besides the Consumer Liaison Group, a platform set up by the CFS to strengthen its communication with the public, the CFS would continue to disseminate food safety information to the public through different channels including the CFS' Facebook page.
     The CFS will also hold a series of talks for the public and the trade between July and December to introduce to them the health hazards posed by high-risk food and share tips on how to read nutrition labels and select food safety information.

     Food Safety Day 2019 featured exhibition panels, game booths, talks by guests and stage performances. Also officiating at the ceremony were the Chairman of the Expert Committee on Food Safety, Professor Chen Zhenyu, and the Vice-Chairman, Professor Wang Wenxiong; the Programme Director of the Domestic Worker Empowerment Project, EmpowerU, Dr Michael Manio; the Principal Research and Survey Officer of the Consumer Council, Dr Keith Kwok; and Council member of the Hong Kong Federation of Women Dr Leung Tung-yeung.

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