Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme recognises exemplary construction safety performance (with photos)


     The 25th Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme Award Presentation Ceremony, which was one of the major events of Construction Safety Week 2019, was held today (May 27). Jointly organised by the Development Bureau and the Construction Industry Council, the Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme aims to raise awareness of safety in construction sites and promote good practices in site safety, health and environmental aspects by commending construction contractors, site supervising teams, front-line supervisors and workers with outstanding safety performance.
      Speaking at the ceremony, the Under Secretary for Development, Mr Liu Chun-san, encouraged industry stakeholders to adopt more innovation and technology in construction sites. He said he believed that automation and industrialisation measures such as modular integrated construction could enhance quality control and raise safety performance substantially. He added that with the surge of the construction volume in the future, maintaining a low accident rate with continuous improvement would help enhance the industry with a progressive, professional image and attract more new blood to join the construction industry.
      Also officiating at the ceremony, the Chairman of the Construction Industry Council, Mr Chan Ka-kui, said that in order to further enhance site safety, the first ever year-long Site Safety Gathering campaign had been launched in the Construction Safety Week. He called on the awardees to continue promoting safety in construction sites and set examples for fellow practitioners. He also reminded workers to be vigilant when working at height and appealed them to continue to boost construction safety together.
      Forty-seven sites received awards under the Scheme this year, and among them, 26 came from the public works stream and 21 from the non-public works stream. The list of awardees of the Scheme is available at the Construction Safety Week website (

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