Transcript of remarks by CE at media session before ExCo meeting (with video)


     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, at a media session before the Executive Council meeting this morning (May 7):
Reporter: Mrs Lam, is there anything you possibly can do to resolve the deadlock now, because you have said time and again that you want to improve your relationship with the LegCo and the atmosphere of society. Is it worth it to destroy everything you have built up because of the extradition laws?
Chief Executive: If I may put it the other way, improving or enhancing the relationship between the Executive and the Legislature, and between myself and all the members of the Legislative Council, especially the non-pro-establishment members, remains my objective. But that doesn't mean that I will refrain from dealing with contentious issues or I will accommodate the wishes, no matter how unreasonable these wishes are, from the non-pro-establishment members, in order to appease them or establish a good relationship, because my responsibility is to the people of Hong Kong, and of course also to the Central People's Government. As you all know, I have dual accountability, so I am doing things in the overall public interest. But, if there is any desire to sit down and discuss with us that we can have better ways and provisions and arrangements to achieve the dual objectives of this particular legislative amendment, and if my personal intervention does help, then of course as the Chief Executive of Hong Kong I will not turn down that request.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

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