Construction and operation of offshore Liquefied Natural Gas terminal east of Soko Islands proposed


     The Government intends to allow Castle Peak Power Company Limited and The Hongkong Electric Company Limited to construct and operate an offshore Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminal in the waters to the east of the Soko Islands.  The terminal will enable a Floating Storage and Regasification Unit vessel (FSRU vessel) and an LNG carrier to be moored at a double berth jetty. The regasified LNG from the FSRU vessel will be supplied to the gas receiving stations at the Black Point Power Station (BPPS) and the Lamma Power Station (LPS) via two separate subsea gas pipelines. The extent of the area of foreshore and seabed affected is described in a notice published in the Government Gazette today (April 12).

     The proposed works include the construction of a double berth jetty and its associated facilities, as well as two subsea gas pipelines connecting the jetty to the BPPS and to the LPS with lengths of approximately 45 kilometres and 18 kilometres respectively. The total area of foreshore and sea-bed affected by the works is approximately 68.5 hectares. The proposed works are scheduled for commencement in late 2019 and completion by 2020 or 2021.

     The notice and the related plan are posted near the site. The plan is also available for inspection at:

* Survey and Mapping Office of the Lands Department (23/F, North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong) (where copies can be purchased on order);

* Islands District Office (20/F, Harbour Building, 38 Pier Road, Central, Hong Kong);

* Tuen Mun Home Affairs Enquiry Centre of the Tuen Mun District Office (2/F, Tuen Mun Government Offices, 1 Tuen Hi Road, Tuen Mun, New Territories); and

* Lands Department’s website ( under Government Notices.

     Any person who considers that he or she has an interest, right or easement in or over the foreshore and sea-bed involved may submit a written objection to the Director of Lands, 20/F, North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong, within two months from the above-mentioned date, i.e. on or before June 12. The notice of such objection shall describe the interest, right or easement of the objector and the manner in which he or she will be allegedly affected.

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