REO confirms Register of Electors cannot be found


     After conducting a thorough search for the Register of Electors of the polling station located at SKH Tsing Yi Estate Ho Chak Wan Primary School in the 2016 Legislative Council General Election, the Registration and Electoral Office (REO) today (April 9) confirmed that the Register could not be found.
     The Register of Electors contains the name, sex, address and Hong Kong identity card number for about 8 000 electors assigned to that polling station.
     "The Register could show whether an individual elector was issued ballot papers at the polling station, but it does not show the choices made on the votes," a spokesman for the REO said.
     "The REO has officially reported the case to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data and the Police. Action will also be taken promptly to notify all affected electors to mitigate any possible damage.
     "We will send letters to government departments and organisations in different sectors that have a higher degree of handling personal data, including those involved in finance, insurance, telecommunications, retail, property, information technology and more, to alert them to the incident.
     "The REO extends its sincere apology to the electors concerned in the incident. The REO will fully co-operate with the Police and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data on their investigations. We will submit a detailed report to the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau and the Electoral Affairs Commission (EAC). In addition, we will fully assist in the investigation by the EAC. The REO will make improvements in various aspects including administrative management, internal communication, operational workflow and staff training based on the findings and recommendations by the EAC.
     "The REO will learn the lesson and follow up on the incident in a serious manner. We will do our utmost to prevent recurrence of similar incidents."

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