Residents recently asked me for an update on when the new steps currently under construction in Pentland Avenue will be available to use.
I asked for an update from the City Council and the Project Officer in the Housing Asset Management Unit has advised as follows :
“The stairs cannot be opened until the handrail has been fully installed. The contractors programme of work shows this should start next week. The handrails could not be fabricated until the installation of the pre cast concrete steps was finished as they need to fit the final gradient of the steps plus the quality of the materials specified has led to a longer lead time than might normally be expected but the we feel this will be worth it in the longer term due to the reduction in the repairs and maintenance that will be required.
The same type of works are being simultaneously carried out at the Dallfield Multi-storey development so we are in constant communication with the contractor about both jobs.
As soon as the handrails of are fitted, the city engineers with carry out an inspection and assuming everything is ok, will issue the relevant paperwork that will allow the are to be fully open. Once these steps are fully finished, work will begin on the other set of steps.”
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