Temporary closure of Deep Water Bay Beach in Southern District


     The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) announced today (April 2) that a sewer with a diameter of 450 mm underneath the Mills & Chung Path in Southern District of Hong Kong was found damaged, leading to the discharge of sewage and potentially affecting the water quality of the nearby Deep Water Bay Beach. The Drainage Services Department is arranging emergency repair of the damaged sewer.

     Deep Water Bay Beach has been temporarily closed as a precautionary measure to protect public health. Members of the public are advised not to swim at this beach during the closure period. Red flag has been hoisted and notice has been posted by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department at this beach to notify the public about the arrangement.

     The EPD will continue to monitor the beach water quality. The reopening of the beach will be announced upon the discharge is stopped and the beach water quality is confirmed to be within acceptable level.

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